Hawaii Beach Photo Shoot with Wanalee
Had an amazing Photo shoot with local island model Wanalee. I captured amazing photos, I couldn't be more happy.
Canon 5D MkIV, 70-200 2.8L II IS USM, Flashpoint 600w strobe head, Elinchrome Deep Octa Box.
I was very happy with the photos that came from it. Here are a couple of the best ones. More from the shoot to come.

This style of photography has been the style I have been trying to achieve lately. I have been molding & figuring out my pro style of portraits the last year. I always shot with flashes before & while they are excellent tools I have always preferred spending the extra time & energy to use battery powered strobes. I finally have the opportunities too.

Rather serendipitous that I had a silk sheet I brought back from Thailand that worked great with her. Wanalee is very good at poses, a quality I highly value from models.
Posing is the photographers job mostly but personally I hire a model for their talent & posing ability. I would say the same reason a casting director hires a certain actor or musician, you hire them for their talent & you trust they will deliver what you are looking for.
Any one can stand & read a script, sing a music sheet or stand in front of a camera. The pros are the ones to go much further then that, some go farther then others.
Thanks for watching checking in, your support & appreciate you looking at my work.